About Me

996901_450896865029332_1299534698_nI love being a psychotherapist and consider that work a calling. Since I was very young, I’ve had a natural curiosity about people and have liked helping them feel better. People have regularly told me what’s bothering them and their secrets, which I’ve considered a privilege to be part of. I’ve worked very hard to educate myself, so that I can be as effective as possible as a psychotherapist, give you the best information, as well as help you gain insight and lead a better life. To make a difference in your life is of course great for you and very fulfilling for me.

An aspect of my education that is unusual in a psychotherapist is my doctorate in sociology, which has provided me with skills that enable me to place your issues in a broader sociological context. That means that I also see you as part of a culture, a society. Your issues may be more common to a particular group, which could be relevant to how you and I think about them. Such a perspective is often very useful in helping you work through your issues more quickly and with a better, deeper understanding of them.

Besides my work as a psychotherapist, I am passionate about dogs, gardening, reading, and writing. I love all dogs, and I’ve lived with dogs most of my life, mostly Golden Retrievers, for me the most empathic, joyful, loving breed of all. And I love all aspects of gardening, from raking to landscape design, the miracle of growth, the garden’s beauty. I’ve always been an avid reader. One of my favorite authors is Anne Tyler. I love Hermann Hesse too. There are so many good writers. I also read medical journals and am very knowledgeable about medicine, both Western and Eastern.

About a year and a half ago, I authored my first book, Charlie: A Love Story, about my Golden Retriever Charlie. It contains many implicit messages about how to live a good life, have a great relationship, and care for another being.  But mostly it’s about an indomitable, unforgettable dog and our extraordinary relationship. You can find out more about my book by visiting www.charliealovestory.com.

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